In reply to a computer user seeking advice on "Going wireless on the move" (Lifelines, Jan. 5), M.H. wonders why Bic Camera ( ) and Emobile ( ) were mentioned, but not UQ WiMAX ( ).

"When I visited Bic's Shibuya store, faced with five days without Internet due to a move December last, they were really pushing the Try WiMAX plan," he writes.

Back in November when he first checked the UQ WiMAX Web site, M.H.'s new home in Chitosedai was too far from the center of town, train lines, etc. to use the service. That changed in December, however, so he had fairly good results: Not the advertised peak 40 megabits per second ("as available") for downloads, but 15 Mbps — usable for e-mail, Web surfing and so on, but not Flickr, Windows Update and other "broadband heavy" sites.