It seems the insects arrive every year during Golden Week. Is it possible that even the insects are on this Japanese work schedule with set travel times? Or maybe it's insect tenkin. Transfer or travel, during Golden Week we are all on the same migration pattern. Face it, we're all just really large insects. Busy as a bee, right? Snug as a bug?

And you cannot deny that insects are attracted to us. Just go out and stand in your garden and see for yourself. Sometimes, there are so many insects buzzing around, I wonder if someone is, unknowingly, responding positively to their mating calls. Just as long as the insects don't start having group pollination parties. That wingy murmur, the stroking of an antenna on your shoulder. How insectual.

And then there are the ones who move in. Most people love nature, until it comes into the house. We may buy a wooden table because we like the naturalness of it. But what about living with natural nature, like with the tree itself? No way, you say. I will not have a whole tree in my house. This is going too far! Instead, give me something stripped down, something chemically treated. I want dead nature. And such is the nature of us human beings.