Recruiter, 33
Friends of mine had health problems that prevented them from conceiving a baby. The means are there for surrogacy, so the opportunity to have kids shouldn't be missed.

Shizuka Sata
H.R., 33
I believe there should be certain rules in place before it is approved. It would work well if the parents don't know the surrogate mother. The surrogate mother must not have contact with the child.

Pascal Train
Manager, 38
Women should be free to do as they choose with their bodies. A legal framework should be created to ensure there is no turning back and the Health Ministry should support this.

Kevin Labenz
Teacher, 24
As long as it's voluntary, it's okay. Womb renting for money could become a problem without a proper legal framework. The process is difficult but worth it.

Marie Thorese
I.T. manager, 33
If there is an explicit contract, a legally binding agreement made beforehand, then it should be allowed. I think there should be some sort of counseling support system in place for all parties involved.

Tiffany Groskreutz
Professor, 24
I support surrogacy. I would hope someone would do it for me if I were in that situation, though trusting the mother-to-be to eat well and look after herself could be a concern.