Nina Lynch and her musician husband, Ashik Peter Lynch, facilitate the work of Byron Katie, an American woman now in her mid-60s who, after many years of depression and suffering, woke up one morning to find that her life had changed completely.

As Nina explains: "She was able to see that her suffering continued as long as she believed her stressful thoughts, and when she questioned them she discovered that reality, truth, or 'that which is,' was much kinder and more benign than she'd been experiencing." In that realization, Byron Katie found a simple technique based on four questions that can be used by anyone to question their thoughts and radically change their lives. She calls it The Work.

Nina found The Work while staying in Kyoto some years ago. "A friend gave me Byron Katie's book 'Loving What Is.' Having read it, I did The Work, then attended workshops, and the nine-day intensive school with Katie in Los Angeles."