Meet Mark Segerlund, happiness personified. With a house in Tokyo, a retreat on Chiba's Boso Peninsula that offers unparalleled sunsets over the Pacific, a dog that he dotes on and a job he adores with near equal passion, he says he is home, and this is not hard to believe.

Mark is vice president of membership services for World Family Club, World Family KK. One thing, he points out: World Family Club (WF Club) has nothing to do with Disney. Since the office we are sitting in seems well Disneyfied, clarification is required -- and Mark is the man to do the job.

It transpires that some years ago, someone had the bright idea of obtaining a license from Disney in order to produce educational systems for teaching English to Japanese children. Parents buy Disney's World of English (DWE), a system published by World Family KK, which consists of books and CDs and videos -- a complete interactive package.