It has been a long rainy season, with destruction from landslides and floods. But we don't worry about those things on the island. Because living on an island, we're used to having lots of water around. Thirty cm of rain here is just another drop of water in the sea.

No, what we worry about is our toilets overflowing. You see, most people on the island still have pit toilets in their houses. Each house has a large hole on the outside from which the toilet can be emptied by specially qualified men in jumpsuits, who come around wrestling large hoses attached to a truck with a holding tank. They suck the demons out of the toilet. The problem is, when it rains really hard, the hole gets filled with rain water, which means the toilet level can rise uncomfortably high. So while much of Japan has landslide warnings, we have toilet warnings. Should many toilets on the island overflow at the same time, we'd have to call in the Toilet National Guard.

The only other thing we worry about here is typhoons and becoming the next Atlantis. If someday divers found our island under the sea, they'd say: "Boy were they dumb! Trying to drive cars down here."