Everyone who knows them agrees they are beautiful people. We also agree that Brett Boyd and Raj Ramayya deserve the recognition they are achieving. All this makes their name, as musicians, an interesting irony: The Beautiful Losers.

The title of TBL's second album, released Nov. 23, promises "Peace, Love, & Xmas." Yet despite a tight promotional schedule and any number of Kanto-based gigs through to the middle of December, they find time to do definitive good. They'll be appearing with Peter Barakan in a show of "Songs on Human Rights" at Superdeluxe in Tokyo's Nishi-Azabu on Dec. 3. On Dec. 11 they will play at Amnesty International's "Rock for Human Rights" benefit at What the Dickens in Ebisu.

Brett, from California, picked up the guitar at age 14 and has never looked back. "My main instruments are electric and acoustic guitar. But basically I'll play anything with strings." (He collects vintage Vox guitars as if to prove the point.)