With all the typhoons and hurricanes around the world, I thought it might be time for an uplifting story of storm survival. As I was looking for stories, a "Planet Japan" listener named Ty Cedars tipped me off to an animal who overcame all odds and survived a devastating typhoon. This animal's story was so inspiring, there was a children's book written about him. My interest was piqued after I heard the title of the book: "The Miracle Calf."

I decided to go ask the now-grown calf to tell his story. Even though he was a bull, it's always better to get the story straight from the horse's mouth.

I called ahead to North Village, a park in Northern Okayama Prefecture, to ask permission to interview their cow. "Sure," they said, "but Prince and Princess Hitachi are coming that day too. Will that be OK?" "Sure," I said, and prepared to go meet the prince, the princess and a cow.