On any normal day, Thomas Farnbacher can wave to his partner, Ingo Taleb-Rashid, across Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria. "I live one side with my wife and children in a small village. Rashid lives on the other. The lake is too big to see one another, of course. But we know we are there."

Now Thomas is en route to Ishikawa, near Narita airport. He will leave tomorrow for his native Germany after a three-week tour of Japan with Caravan of Truth demonstrating El Haddawi, a Movement Concept methodology that explores and teaches dance, martial arts and body movement in combination.

"Rashid and I have been working together, developing Movement Concept, for 10 years. Two assistants came with us, leading a group of 14. Everyone paid for their own tickets; Rashid (who has been coming here for 20 years) and I organized the rest."