A peace symbol set modestly with diamonds. A tiny image that is open for interpretation as a tree, an atom-bomb cloud or even an angel. The curved line of a whale suggesting the swell of the sea while winking freedom with a precious eye. All are designs on a theme -- the work of jewelry artist-craftsman Koichiro Sakamoto.

It is an honor to be summoned because, as Koichiro is the first to admit, he does not have much time for mainstream media. Indeed he does not suffer any fools gladly, having been known to walk out of meetings, refusing to deal with clients.

Now his daughter Melissa -- a jeweler in her own right -- has stepped into the arena, encouraging her father to be more cooperative. As she and her mother, Betty, explain, picking me up from Gotanda Station to drive to Koichiro's atelier, they want the world to know the depth of his vision, the importance of the messages he seeks to communicate in his work.