Terri MacMillan is marvelous. Funny, outgoing, dramatic and driven, she has a heart of pure gold. Ask anyone who knows her. Come to think of it, it's hard to imagine this funky, articulate American has a single enemy -- except among hard-core Republicans, who must surely hate her guts.

Terri is the cochair of Democrats Abroad Japan. She is also codirector of the company she set up a decade ago with colleague Tom Toeda. "What does De-i Productions do? . . . Multimedia production and development in English and Japanese. We research clients' existing video, print and photographic material, localize (change the language) and modernize it," for example, re-cutting, adding modern material or creating new animation.

This means that clients get a fresh DVD or CD-ROM from their existing material without having to create a brand-new production. "One of the main strengths we have is that we create broadcast quality audio for our clients' projects. People don't realize what a great persuader powerful music and sound can be."