For years now, readers have been sending me their opinions on toilets. I can almost consider myself a toilet therapist. Every time I mention toilets in a column, I am sure to get opinions, especially regarding which is better -- the Western-style toilet or the Japanese-style toilet.

Reader and fellow columnist Erik Deckers says of plastic seat covers: "Chicago airport has done this for years. That's why it's the only public toilet I use." The thing is, Erik doesn't even live in Chicago; he lives in Indiana. That's a long way to go just to use the toilet. Perhaps he has a private plane for these occasions.

Most people don't want to sit on a public toilet seat. After all, can you think of anything more unhygienic than a toilet? Why would anyone want to sit on it? Besides, most of us sit all day long at a desk working -- Why would we want to sit down in the bathroom? Gosh, we're lazy.