Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This year, the chicken came first since 2005 is the year of the chicken, not the year of the egg. After the disastrous year of the monkey, I think we're all hoping for a few golden eggs this year. So, out with the monkey bananas and in with the chicken feed. Cock-a-doodle-doo!

What's in store for this year? Will the new year bring some golden eggs or just chicken scratch? One would think 2005 would have to be better than last year, but don't count your chickens before they've hatched. Be more of a mother hen and do some preparation. It's a good year to immunize children from chicken pox, get plenty of exercise practicing the chicken dance, and to eat lots of chicken soup (it's good for the soul). If you're not prepared, feathers will fly and the chickens may come home to roost. Baaak-bak-bak!

In epicurean terms, it's the year of the yakitori. Fill up on grilled chicken and other poultry dishes such as chicken casseroles, roast chicken, and baked chicken. Of course, don't put all your eggs in one basket. The menu can include frogs, rabbit, and deer since they taste like chicken. Baaak-bak-bak!