When I arrived in Japan on the JET Programme, I was nervous about the obvious trials and tests of character that would await me over the next year.

Having come to terms with work conditions that included juggling and riding a unicycle, as well as an audience with the town mayor at which I unknowingly arrived with toilet paper stuck to my face, I was confident that all cultural concerns would be removed at the obligatory round of drinking parties during the first week.

At a yaki-niku meal organized by some of the desk jockeys at the Board of Education, the restaurant's best bottle of brandy was produced and a glass poured for me.

I explained to my hosts that I, coming from Britain, was more used to drinking pints, at least at the beginning of the evening.

My new colleague duly disappeared for a couple of minutes, returning shortly thereafter with a pint -- of brandy. -- An ex-JET in Tokyo