If I have led my readers to believe that my island is safe, then I have misled you. Although still safer than the city, island life has its own dangers, not all of which are the natural disasters. We have the human type too.

Possible villains are numerous, with one islander being an Aum Shinrikyo member and with the everlasting gangster presence on the neighboring island. Last summer, a group of these bare-chested young punks with gold chains and tattoos came to our island for a visit. They sat in one corner of the bar and made their presence known. The bar customers, more disgusted than scared, moved to tables outside.

The infiltration of gangsters is enough of a threat that it has been a long-standing policy on this island to not sell land to outsiders. People hang on to land forever, just to keep it out of the hands of the wrong people and to protect the others still living here.