Punctuality is one of Japan's greatest virtues but for uninitiated foreigners it can be a source of frustration as well.

Take a recent concert in Nagoya featuring live Brazilian rock music for example. With a total of five bands scheduled to play we were confident that the concert would go well into the evening, despite the 2 p.m. starting time.

Our leisurely trip to the concert hall included stopping for something to eat, a detour to the bank and a beer break at a convenience store. By the time we arrived, it was after 7 p.m.

Confident of seeing at least a couple of the acts, we entered just as the final act on the bill was playing the last notes of their encore and, after a few farewells and bows, the stage emptied and the lights came on.

We paid over 5,000 yen for the tickets, which worked out at about 100 yen per second. It was an expensive lesson but now we know: even rock and roll starts on time in Japan. -- Steven in Nagoya