It has long been said that for men, walking a dog is a good way to meet girls. I have to admit, I'm a sucker for a cute dog too. Whenever I see a dog, especially a black Labrador retriever, I run over and pet it, hug it, kiss it and tell it how beautiful it is. So walking a dog is a good way to meet girls -- for the dog, anyway.

Now there is a service in Tokyo that lets you rent a dog for about 1,500 yen per hour and pretend to be a dog owner. For just over 10,000 yen, you can keep the dog overnight. Supposedly, the purpose of the service is for people to get an idea of the responsibilities involved in having a dog before they actually buy one.

This is a fine idea, but doesn't anyone else see something wrong with this? Of course you do: They've left out cats.