Leaving Japan? Don't. At least not until you've experienced some of these must-do things here:

1. See Mount Fuji. Find out what all the fuss is about and take part in the national obsession with Mount Fuji. From murals in public baths to murals in banks, find out why Mount Fuji is one of the most photographed images in Japan. I'm not suggesting you actually climb Mount Fuji, as the climbing season is short and many people are disappointed with the less than pristine environment on the mountain, but at least take home a photo that shows you took part in the fuss and visited this highly respected mountain.

2. Visit Todaiji Temple in Nara. Todaiji, with is giant "Daibutsu" Buddha sitting inside the largest wooden structure in Japan, is my favorite, but any of the main temples in nearby Kyoto are just as impressive. See Kyoto's historical treasures that have provided the foundation for Japan, but limit your time to just a few and enjoy them rather than getting "templed out."