As a Chinese-American, I'm like a foreigner incognito in Japan. This time 'round, however, it was pretty hard to disguise my identity as a foreigner.

One day I went to the bank to pay off one of those bills not payable at the conbini or post office. Being time-strapped, I decided to use the ATM. However, I had no idea which button to press, and the English pamphlet only provided directions for withdrawals and deposits.

In the past, I had seen customers get quick ATM assistance, so I looked for the relevant button, which I proceeded to push. The moment my finger left the RED button, something started blaring. I had just pushed the emergency "bloody murder, someone is taking my money, help me!" button.

Suddenly, all eyes were on me and an attendant sprinted over. I was as red as a beet, an obvious indication that I was the perpetrator.

I told her that I needed help -- she gave me a look that read, "I'll say," and sternly pointed to the assistance telephone beside the ATM. Oops, a little too late for that.

-- Vivian in Japan

Keep sending your tales of life as a foreigner in Japan to [email protected]. Every fortnight, we'll publish a story sent in by one of our readers, and if yours is printed you'll receive a 2,000 yen gift voucher from Tower Records. Stories should be 250 words max.