Japan is definitely losing its traditions. Take for example, the dying tradition of standing next to the vending machine while drinking a canned drink. It used to be that you wouldn't dream of drinking while walking down the street. You could see whole families standing next to the vending machine gulping down drinks. And gulp they did, so as not to have to stand there too long. Same goes for eating. You could often see a lone ice cream cone licker standing outside the ice cream store. People would never attempt to walk and lick ice cream at the same time. Why has this tradition of standing while eating or drinking gone by the wayside? Perhaps the Japanese have finally learned how to do two things at once.

Unlike other trends, however, walking while eating is not something only the youngsters are doing. The oldsters too are embracing this new trend. The other day I witnessed an old man weaving down the road on his bicycle while eating a banana!

What the heck, at the very least walking and eating should be good for digestion. Why take a walk after dinner if you can walk during dinner? Just attach that dinner plate to a harness in front of you like stadium vendors have. Walking while eating could even cancel the calories before your body absorbs them!