Customer service in Japan never fails to amaze. The scene is Hiroshima Central Post Office.

I had to return a key to my English school's head office by taping it onto a return form and posting it. Having no tape at home, I figured I could use some at the post office. I walked in looking a little confused (as has been my usual state in Japan so far) and was, I think, immediately asked by a staff member if I needed help. I replied in my very best pidgeon English that I needed tape -- indicating at the letter and key. Just like that she was off.

After a short conference between herself and several other postal workers, they sprinted off in different directions. A few short minutes later she burst through a door holding a roll of bubble wrap -- and sticky tape. She then measured a perfect square of bubble wrap to protect the key, then taped it to the return form. A glue stick was used to seal the envelope, which was also taped down.

Thanking her I paid for the stamp -- the service and unbelievable attention was free.

-- Rachel in Hiroshima

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