As a native Australian who smokes, I was overjoyed upon arriving in Japan to find that, unlike Australia, smoking is still permitted just about anywhere.

In the beginning, I childishly found myself lighting up simply because I could, and loved being a part of the majority who smoked in shopping centers and restaurants. When the novelty began to wear off, I found that, like in Australian, I much preferred to smoke outside.

Waiting to meet a friend in Yokohama, I decided to kill some time by having a cigarette. No sooner had I ventured outside and sparked up a ciggie, but a security guard began yelling at me in Japanese. Unsure as to what the problem was, I took his gestures to mean my smoking was the problem.

Not really understanding what he was on about, but being completely unable to communicate in Japanese, I began to put out my cigarette. However, the security guard stopped me and ushered me inside.

I later found out that smoking outside the building is prohibited but completely acceptable inside. Not an easy concept for my Australian brain to get a handle on.

-- Elizabeth in Yokohama

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