What would the Japanese do without all those magazines telling them what to do and where to go? There are fashion magazines with detailed instructions on how to apply eye makeup, recreational magazines that suggest "date courses" in which you take your date on a pre-planned route that includes a trendy restaurant for dinner, a swanky hotel bar for coffee, then a drive up a certain mountain to enjoy the night view. And then there are the restaurant and store guides that people buy that are updated each month.

However, these magazines tend to not discriminate. Anything new is good. If a new restaurant opens, they tell us to go. If a new boutique has opened, we must see it. If there is a new product, we must try it. After all, we are consumers, so we should consume, consume, consume!

The problem is, we're so busy consuming that we need magazines to tell us how to save time consuming by directing us to all the right places. On the other hand, how much time have we wasted in these same places? The food wasn't so good after all, the service was slow, the clothes too expensive. Just once, I would like to see a magazine that would save us consumers time by telling us where not to go and what not to do.