I was riding the notorious Yamanote line late one Saturday night when a group of three apparently intoxicated foreigners jumped on, their eyes immediately scanning the carriage for likely female prey.

Spotting a likely target, they anchored themselves at a spot right next to a very attractive young, Japanese-looking, girl and started to amuse, or excite, themselves by making rather vulgar comments about her body, in the belief that she had no idea of what was being said.

Before long though, my own contemptuous thoughts of the three lecherous characters were given voice, though not my own.

"You sick, ugly b******s! You must have a hard time back home, eh? Get lost!" It was the object of the three lads' attention.

I'm not sure now if she was Japanese or not, but it doesn't really matter. Every girl should respond similarly to guys like this, with their twisted social sense.

I did manage to hold back my laughter, but I couldn't help but smile when I saw those three, shocked, ugly charisma man faces go red as they jumped off the train at the next station. -- Ami in Tokyo

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