My wife is Japanese, but I met her in San Francisco, where she had lived for 12 years. She had not naturalized, but did have a green card. Her high school friend came into town with her Dutch husband. They met in London.

My wife and I took them to a bar, and the Dutchman mentioned the number of Japanese/American couples he saw. I expounded on my "Classroom Couple" theory, which is that a guy with no talent for women, wether it be looks, age or disposition, moves to Japan to work as an English teacher.

He meets a charming young student who falls under his spell. They secretly date, but eventually marry. For one reason or another, be it pressure from the wife, or basic desire of the husband, they move to America. After a few years in America, the young lady realizes that her husband is not the suave guy she thought he was. She gets her green card, and she dumps him. The Dutchman believed I was being slightly harsh. Just then, the man next to us in the bar began to sob, tears rolling down his face. "That's exactly what happened to me," he cried. "I was a teacher in Hokkaido." -- Daniel in S.F.