"I visited Japan for the first time three years ago," says Tina Peterson, director of the Imagine Child Development Center on the 13th floor of Yokohama's Landmark Tower. "I came to Landmark then, because the building's the highest in Japan. If anyone had predicted, 'In 2003 you will be working here,' I'd have laughed. 'No way,' I would have said."

Tina is showing me around the purpose-designed center, which opened in June. Today is the first day of a two-week introductory course, with 10 children enrolled. "As school holidays wind down, and the expatriate community returns to Japan, we're expecting a surge of interest and applications."

One of the staffers -- an African-American ESL teacher -- is taking a group of Japanese 2-year-olds for an English lesson -- or rather English exposure. The ceilings are painted with foliage ("as a reminder of nature"), and all the equipment -- from sofas to toilets -- is mini-sized. (Very sweet.) While all around, there are panoramic views of Minato Mirai and the city beyond.