It's time to water your garden. What garden? You mean you haven't planted your garden yet? Oh, you're too busy? Don't have enough space? No more excuses. I'll tell you how you can make a Japanese-style flower garden in just 30 seconds a day. Heck, you learned Japanese in 10 minutes a day, right?

Most of what I've learned about Japanese gardening comes from my neighbor Kazuko. Usually a mild-mannered woman, Kazuko becomes a heathen when in the garden. "Mo dame!" ("Already finished!") she exclaims while whacking off the heads of the tulips during their last hour of blooming. "Mo dame!" she says while yanking out daisies in their last moments of glory. Anything short of perfect gets the ax.

But don't let this scare you. Over the years, her seeds of advice have elevated my own garden to Japanese standards. By passing this information on directly to you, you'll have a successful garden in a mere 3 1/2 minutes. Ready to get started?