This is a followup to an article I wrote a few weeks ago on how to ride the shinkansen. As many readers pointed out, I overlooked some very important aspects.

Reader Paul Clark wonders how I could have failed to mentioned the "Whumpf! Whumpf! Whumpf!" the shinkansen makes as it enters a tunnel. No, Paul is not referring to the hoboes on the top getting knocked off, but to the sound the train makes as the force of the wind rocks the carriage back and forth, similar to the way your toy train used to rock back and forth before it derailed. Not to worry though. The shinkansen has an impeccable safety record, as long as you don't count the time one of the drivers fell asleep for eight minutes. Despite being entirely too comfortable driving at high speeds, I hope that guy has given up any hopes of becoming a race car driver.

It does seem that all that wind generated by the shinkansen should be able to be used to power electricity or "o-bachans." Couldn't we recycle that wind to scoot old ladies up the stairs in the train stations or to help them go a little faster on their bicycles?