Bob Poulson is a runner. He runs for fun, and when a good cause comes along that he believes is worth running for, he will run for that too.

Four years ago. Bob volunteered as cochairman to help organize the first TELL (Tokyo English Life Line) Runathon. This is now an annual event, with the next on May 3. Yes, it's early to start publicizing the event, he agrees, but this will give people time to limber up for the course around the Imperial Palace. "Also it's cheaper to participate if you put your name down ahead of the day."

Bob, who has come from Kodaira to talk about his No. 1 hobby, laughs when asked if he is running away, or towards something. "Definitely towards," he answers. "Good health, a balanced outlook, a sense of community." But no hair? Again he laughs, taking off his baseball cap to reveal a smooth pate. "No hair."