Baa-aa! Yes, you herd me right -- it's almost the year of the sheep. It's going to be a long year of itchy sweaters and mothballs. So put on your woolies and finish writing those New Year's cards.

There are plenty of cards to choose from, and most of them will give you a little insight into the secret world of sheep. I have already learned a lot from surveying the 2003 New Year's cards available:

Sheep come from China. In one of the typical New Year's cards this year, the picture on the front shows a sheep coming over on a boat from China with the Seven Gods of Good Luck. You've heard of boat people? Now we have boat sheep. In search of greener pastures, sheep are hitching a ride over to Japan on boats. It makes sense that, like everything else, sheep would be made in China. After all, you've never seen a sheep in Japan, have you?