In the spirit of "benri de ii" (convenient and good) I would like to propose some ideas for making Japan a more convenient country.

For example, I have never understood why we can't have assigned seating on commuter trains. Since so many people take the same train to work every day, it would be easier to pay and reserve your seat for the year and always have it. This would prevent the present stalking of other passengers who you know will get off at a certain stop every time. It would also prevent the current stalking of other passengers who might get off, thus moving to claim their seat as soon as their calf muscle twitches.

If we had reserved seats, we could just slide a commuter card into the panel on the arm of the chair. If someone tries to take your reserved seat without the proper card to insert, they would simply be catapulted out of the seat. In addition, double-seaters who take up two spots would be pinched in the buttocks.