A couple of weeks before the beginning of the World Cup soccer tournament, I went into the local grocery store on my island. Yes, this tiny island has a grocery store -- with four aisles! (sorry, no salad bar). We don't need more than one store, because only 800 people live here on Shiraishi Island. Do you realize how many people that isn't? A population less than two 747s full of tourists headed for Disneyland. Even a school gymnasium holds more people than our island on an average day. At the checkout counter, Amano-san, the owner/cashier/stock boy/janitor, said: "How about those hooligans? Scary, eh?" I was taken aback. I walked home with my bags of groceries, wondering where that comment came from.

Once home, I saw that the monthly Shiraishi newsletter had arrived -- a one-page broadsheet that makes all news front-page news. This newsletter provides information to residents such as the monthly toilet pumping day, big trash day, or simply reminding us to wear seat belts should we decide to drive around the 7-km perimeter of the island.

Transportation is always a big topic. The Bikology Advice Organization advises residents not to ride their bicycles drunk, the Transportation Manner Guidance Association reminds us that our "pedaling manners can stop accidents" and the Japan Transportation Safety Education Spreading Association encourages "safety cycling."