Trying to communicate with your cat or dog and not getting through? Maybe you are just not speaking their language. What language is that? Of course, that universal language: English! After all, Lassie understood English. Garfield thinks in English. And Mr. Ed, the horse, spoke it.

So today, for all the Japanese readers out there, I would like to offer my free course called "ESL for Pets." This course, based on the Silent Method, is designed to help you better communicate with your pet. It may be frustrating at first, but if your pet doesn't understand, repeat the words loudly and clearly, over and over, until he gets it.

In general, dogs are very good English-language learners because they are eager to please. But dogs are bad with grammar. Never use complete sentences with dogs! Instead, stick to simple one-word commands such as "Sit!" "Beg!" "Roll over!" "Heel!" and "Come!" Always use gestures with dogs. Dogs like body language. Dogs are very gender-conscious, so attach the gender to commands as in "Down, boy!" or "Come on, girl!" Especially with praise, gender tags work wonders: "Good boy!" or "Good girl!"