Endre Hules is fretting about his kids. "I never imagined it would be so hard to leave them with a baby sitter. I feel incomplete."

Karen Hules, when she arrives, is amused to find her husband so anxious. "Interesting isn't it, to find the roles reversed. Usually it's women who do all the worrying. But since Endre became the primary child carer for the summer, he's become much more protective -- possessive even -- of their interests."

Endre and their two children returned to California yesterday. But Karen is here until the end of September, or at least until the American Language Center at UCLA Extension finds a replacement teacher for its Practical English for Business Program at International Communication College in Shinjuku. "UCLA has some contracts they want me to work on back in Los Angeles. In the meantime I'm on the lookout for jobs here, because we want to come back."