MERRY CHRISTMAS . . . MERRY CHRISTMAS . . . MERRY CHRISTMAS . . . Have a great day. And the best is yet to come for Japan, with the unique welcoming of the new year -- a festival that can take as long as two weeks or a shorter period of about five days, beginning with what westerners call New Year's Eve and Japanese refer to as "Omisoka."

Around the world, Christians regard Christmas as a time of religious reflections, good will toward family, friends and neighbors, plus jolly customs of reindeer sleds with Santa Claus bearing gifts for the kiddies.

Christmas in the predominantly Buddhist country of Japan, is embraced from a different angle -- one of merriment, yearend "bonenkai" and the playing of Beethoven's exquisite "Ninth Symphony," over and over, along with Santa's "Jingle Bells."