T'was 10 days before Christmas, and all through the house . . . complete and utter panic! Who to interview for Christmas Eve? Jim Carey (promoting his seasonal movie "The Grinch") has come and gone -- along with most of the foreign community (for the holiday break). As for the Japanese, they are all dashing hither and thither, indulging in bonanza "bonenkai" yearend parties or shopping like there is no tomorrow.

Sunk in unseasonal gloom in a Shibuya coffee shop on the way to work, a complete stranger in a large black overcoat plumped himself down with a jolly ho-ho-ho of a "Good morning Madam, may I have a word?" No, you can't, I thought, giving both he and his young companion the brushoff. I mean really, how rude: 14 years in Japan and still being judged as free English-conversation material.

But then I heard him explaining to his friend -- far more sweetly and eloquently than I had explained to him -- that I was enjoying some valuable space and reading time, so really didn't feel like talking. And I began to feel horribly guilty -- the meanest Grinch on earth, and at the very time of year when we're supposed to be feeling goodwill to all people. So I apologized, and in doing so learned that Yoshifusa Ogawa was in Tokyo for two days from Hiroshima, and not knowing a soul, was more than delighted to meet me.