Today, many foreigners have put on their armor and have sharpened their swords in preparation for battling through the Japanese Proficiency Test. I wish you all luck and survival. I recently spoke with the god of the Japanese Proficiency Test, who lives on Uranus and appeared on my TV screen via my satellite dish. He gave the following predictions in a millennium special edition of the Japanese Proficiency Test-takers' horoscope.

Aquarius (1/21-2/19): You are clear-sighted and will have problems understanding the point of the test. Especially when you get to the grammar part, which will test you on discreet grammar points you have never heard of. Don't worry, just do it and you will be rewarded. Maybe.

Pisces (2/20-3/20): You will have a tough time making decisions throughout the test. There will be several questions in which you will have narrowed it down to two of the four possible answers. Vacillating between the two, you will choose A, then erase and choose B, then erase and choose a again. You'll do this several times until you finally decide on one, which, regrettably, will end up being the wrong answer.