Continuing with computer questions, a gentleman asks where he can find an iMac with an English language operating system (OS). The manufacturer explains that English OS Macs are not sold here because of various U.S. and Japanese regulations. Still, they want to help their hopeful customers so there is a conversion kit to use with the Japanese models that adapts the keyboard and provides the English OS. New versions will be available March 10 and can be purchased through the Apple Store at Kit information is in English but otherwise the site is mostly in Japanese.

There are other possibilities. One is the biggest Apple show in the world, now at Makuhari Messe through Feb. 19. Sometimes people can arrange to buy one there though such sales are supposedly prohibited. Also, there is a computer outlet in Akihabara where they are occasionally available: Shin Akibakan, phone (03) 3255-8188 or check their up-to-date Web site at Keep trying!

You should be aware that while Apple's worldwide warranty applies to Apple's portable computers, it does not cover Mac desktops unless they are purchased in Japan. As for the names generously sprinkled throughout this report, Ringo was selected as a user group name, Apple is the manufacturer, Macintosh is the product line, and iMac (all-in-one desktop) and iBook (portable) are specific models. The i stands for Internet.