What’s the point of Keir Starmer’s massive electoral majority if he remains hesitant to do something for young people on Brexit that’s not just compassionate and sensible, but also very popular?

During a visit to Berlin recently, the Labour prime minister reiterated the U.K. has no plans for a "youth mobility” program that would allow young British citizens to live, study and work in the European Union for a few years, with reciprocal arrangements for under 30s from the continent.

I hope his reticence is a negotiating tactic because an agreement would help alleviate one of the biggest injustices of Brexit. In 2016 most young Britons voted to remain in the European Union, while those now younger than 26 didn’t have a say. Yet they’ve all had their opportunities to move to the continent, find a job and fall in love (as I did) curtailed.