Striding forward together

Special Supplements / PALM10 Special Jul 15, 2024

Striding forward together

by Fumio Kishida

Japan and Pacific island countries and regions, connected by the Pacific Ocean and kizuna (bonds), have been and will continue to be mutually indispensable partners. The circle of friendship between Japan and the Pacific islands has been expanded through exchanges in various areas, including in ...

Countries and regions participating in the Pacific Island Leaders Meeting

Special Supplements / PALM10 Special Jul 15, 2024

Countries and regions participating in the Pacific Island Leaders Meeting

MELANESIA Republic of Fiji Land area: 18,270 sq. km EEZ: 1,282,980 sq. km Population: 904,590 Capital: Suva GDP: $4.98 billion Industries: tourism, sugar processing, clothing, copra, gold, silver, lumber Sawa-i-Lau Caves on the Yasawa Islands, Fiji Independent State of Papua New Guinea Land area: 452,860 sq. km EEZ: 2,402,290 sq. km Population: 9,501,006 Capital: Port Moresby GDP: $31.6 ...