A major Japanese labor union representing workers at manufacturing companies said its members are seeking a record wage increase in annual negotiations with employers, in an early sign of continued momentum for pay growth in the country.

Some 1,416 labor unions under the umbrella of the Japan Council of Metalworkers’ Union (JCM) requested a monthly base salary increase of ¥14,149 ($94.84) on average in talks expected to culminate with a deal next month, according to a tally released on Thursday. The demand marks a record high since 2014, when the union began tracking requests, and represents a 14% increase from the corresponding figure of ¥12,392 last year.

"We want to see our unions achieve gains and the trend spread across the entire metal industry and economy,” said JCM Chair Akihiro Kaneko. "This year’s pay talks are very important to help a virtuous cycle take root in Japan.”