TikTok creators took to the app to express their shock and dismay Friday after a panel of federal judges unanimously upheld a new law that could lead to the popular Chinese-owned video app being banned in the United States by mid-January.

"I’m, like, shaking — I’m so mad, I’m so anxious, because TikTok changed my life,” Katie Wolf, a 38-year-old book editor in Charleston, South Carolina, said in a video she posted Friday. She finds 80% of her clients through the app, she said, and does not know what she would do without it.

"It’s about to get stupid,” Alex Pearlman, a 40-year-old comedian in Philadelphia, said in another video. "We don’t know what’s going to stay monetized, we don’t know how the TikTok Shops are going to keep working,” he said, adding expletives for emphasis. He continued: "We’ve got 44 days until this app goes.”