The chiefs of Nvidia and Advanced Micro Devices showcased new generations of the chips powering the global boom in artificial intelligence development this week, deepening a rivalry that’s shaping the future of its design and adoption.

Jensen Huang and Lisa Su — both born in Taiwan and now local celebrities for leading U.S. tech powerhouses — employed different tacks in conveying their expertise during back-to-back shows at the world’s largest computing conference in Taipei.

Nvidia’s CEO repeatedly voiced his $2.8 trillion company’s dominance in the accelerators that OpenAI and Microsoft rely on to build generative AI services such as ChatGPT. Huang went as far as to tease a chip envisioned for 2026 he dubbed Rubin — after Vera Rubin, the American woman who helped discover dark matter. The chip, which will succeed the Blackwell family, will be key to sustaining its runaway leadership.