


Stephen Stapczynski
BUSINESS / Companies
Jun 24, 2016
First Energy taps biomass in Japan for market-leading gains
A little-known Tokyo-based company's commitment to biomass has made it a darling among investors.
BUSINESS / Economy
Jun 21, 2016
Hot spring bathing tradition stymies Japan's clean energy ambitions
With centuries of tradition on their side, Japan's hordes of naked bathers remain unmoved by the island nation's bid to tap a rich reserve of power equivalent to about 20 nuclear reactors.
Japan Times
Jun 9, 2016
Japan's solar splurge may result in cooler power costs this summer
Japan's conundrum of peak power prices may begin to ease as the country's solar-power expansion taps scorching summers to displace fossil fuels.
Japan Times
Jun 7, 2016
Japan's trading houses trying to beat U.S. to Cuba
Japan's largest trading houses are positioning themselves in Cuba before any easing of U.S. sanctions, seeking opportunities in infrastructure, resources and automobiles as Havana emerges from near-isolation.
Jun 2, 2016
Japan's Monju reactor a costly hot potato no one wants to handle
Japan is missing its own deadline to find a new operator for a prototype nuclear power program that has failed to succeed in the two decades since it was built, threatening the resource-poor country's support of a technology other nations have abandoned.
BUSINESS / Companies
Apr 19, 2016
Mitsubishi CEO Kakiuchi seeks 'urgent' shift after commodities collapse
Mitsubishi Corp. is shifting growth away from its energy and mining-related businesses after being stung by the metals and oil collapse that led it to forecast its first-ever annual loss on a group basis.
Mar 21, 2016
Five years after Fukushima disasters, region encourages rise of robotics
Japan is spending more than $1 billion to resurrect the area around the wrecked Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant as the country's "Innovation Coast."
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink
Mar 11, 2016
Winemakers plant seeds of tourism in Japan's disaster zone
Making wine is difficult anywhere in Japan, but try doing it in a part of the country that has been rocked by an earthquake and tsunami, and spurned because of a nuclear disaster.
Feb 28, 2016
Cutesy mascots lead charge to woo customers away from electricity giants
In the battle for a slice of the ¥8.1 trillion ($72 billion) retail electricity market, Japan's biggest power companies are lining up against a cuddly bear, a fluffy white dog and a gorilla in business attire.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Jan 5, 2016
Japan's ¥2.9 trillion nuclear recycling quest coming up on three decades
The Rokkasho facility is designed to recycle spent uranium has been under construction for nearly three decades. The amount of fuel successfully reprocessed for commercial use: zero.
Japan Times
Oct 10, 2015
Tepco expects to begin freezing ice wall at Fukushima No. 1 by year-end
Tokyo Electric Power Co. expects to begin freezing a soil barrier by the end of the year to stop water entering the wrecked Fukushima nuclear facility.
Jul 30, 2015
Japan's reliance on coal, especially clean tech, poses costly challenge to cut emissions
Japan will depend on new coal technology that's more than twice the cost of traditional plants to meet its targets on reducing global warming pollution.
Jul 2, 2015
Tepco seeks foreign seal of approval to restart nuclear plant
The utility's invitation to the world's top nuclear agency to review the safety of its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa facility signals a desire to win support to restart the world's largest nuclear plant.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties