


Philippe Legrain
Workers collect detritus after the Britain's Glastonbury Festival on Monday.
ENVIRONMENT / Sustainability
Jul 4, 2024
Music festivals seek greener footprint
The world's top 1,000 DJs took 51,000 flights in 2019, equivalent to 35,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions, according to climate group Clean Scene.
Japan Times
Mar 7, 2023
Brexit reset could mark a turning point in U.K.-EU relations
The new Brexit deal negotiated on Northern Ireland will not eliminate all the political tensions surrounding the province’s status, but, if approved, it will ease them.
Japan Times
Nov 18, 2020
Will Trump's defeat prove lethal for populism across the globe?
Donald Trump's election loss amounts to a warning for other far-right populists, such as Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
Japan Times
Jul 27, 2020
Europe rescues itself
A groundbreaking agreement for a new EU-financed recovery fund doesn't satisfy all of Europe's needs.
Japan Times
Sep 2, 2019
Britain's Brexit breakdown
As each side ups the ante, Brexit is now an all-or-nothing fight to the death among absolutists.
Mar 27, 2017
The EU fighting for life at 60
EU heads of state just gathered to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome at a time when nativist nationalists are threatening to destroy Europe's open liberal societies.
Japan Times
Jan 23, 2017
Theresa May's hard Brexit risks a crash landing
British Prime Minister Theresa May's objectives for negotiating with the EU make clear her intention to prioritize hardline Brexiteers' demands over the country's economic interests.
Oct 22, 2015
Europe may be on brink of disintegration
It is often argued that the EU progresses through crises, but the ingredients needed for such breakthroughs are now lacking.
Jun 14, 2007
Europe, open your borders
PRAGUE — It is time for Europe's politicians to admit to voters that governments cannot stop people moving across borders. Despite efforts to build a Fortress Europe, over a million foreigners bypass its defenses every year; some enter covertly, but most just overstay their visas and work illicitly....


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly