


Sharon Chen
Japan Times
Jul 7, 2023
Scientists fight losing battle trying to shield melting glaciers from the sun
Tibetan Plateau glaciers, which support the lives of billions of people, took tens of millions of years to develop — but almost a sixth of their ice has vanished in the last 50 years.
Japan Times
Feb 20, 2020
Four key dates, four missed chances for China to contain coronavirus
It's been more than two months since Dec. 12, the day doctors first noticed a Chinese patient display symptoms of the highly infectious coronavirus that has claimed more than 2,100 lives across the globe. In the weeks following that early case, authorities missed one chance after another to contain the...
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Sep 24, 2015
Japan may miss 2% inflation target but achieve it later, deputy economy minister says
Japan's target of achieving 2 percent inflation by next September may be delayed as China's economic slowdown affects the price of oil and other natural resources, according to Yasutoshi Nishimura, the deputy economy minister.
Japan Times
Jul 13, 2015
Pagasa Filipinos feel threatened as Beijing grows more aggressive
On a clear night, the Filipinos who live on Pagasa Island — a speck in the vast South China Sea — can see the floodlights from giant Chinese cranes working around the clock, dredging sand to build up a nearby reef.
May 28, 2015
Militaries play nice in the South China Sea
Southeast Asian militaries are talking and sharing more as they seek to prevent accidents in the South China Sea, despite inertia from governments over territorial disputes with China.
Japan Times
May 8, 2015
Singapore tries to tame 'Tiger Moms' regarding childrens' higher education
Singaporean Carmen Kok regrets that she never made it to university. She's not letting her daughter make the same mistake, even if she has to send her abroad to get a place.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly