




Sakura Murakami
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 20, 2019
CDP and DPP to 'join hands' in Japan's Diet in bid to thwart Abe's plans
In a move to counter the ruling bloc, Yukio Edano and Yuichiro Tamaki agreed Tuesday to merge their kaiha parliamentary groups in both houses of the Diet.
Aug 15, 2019
Emperor Naruhito follows father's lead in expressing 'deep remorse' over WWII at memorial service
In 2015, then-Emperor Akihito sent shock waves across the nation by expressing remorse over Japan's involvement in the war.
Aug 7, 2019
Rising Japan political star Shinjiro Koizumi and Christel 'omotenashi' Takigawa to marry, with baby on way
Wedding preparations are underway for Lower House member Shinjiro Koizumi, 38, a prominent politician who is widely seen as a potential future prime minister, and TV personality Christel Takigawa, 41.
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Aug 6, 2019
With pro-constitutional revision forces just shy of the necessary seats, the DPP may be the party to tip the scales
A tug-of-war between the pro- and anti-revision forces has been playing out within the DPP, with leader Yuichiro Tamaki wavering between the two sides.
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 6, 2019
CDP leader Yukio Edano tries to bury the hatchet with fellow opposition parties to counter ruling bloc
In a break from the usual rhetoric, Yukio Edano, leader of the largest opposition party in the Diet, is calling on smaller parties to join forces and form a larger joint parliamentary group within the Lower House to counter the overwhelming majority of the ruling bloc.
Aug 2, 2019
Hangings carried out for two Japanese death row inmates convicted of multiple rape-murders
The hangings of rapists and murderers Koichi Shoji and Yasunori Suzuki were Japan's first executions of 2019.
PODCAST / deep dive
Jul 10, 2019
Episode 19: Why is Japan whaling again?
Whalers are delighted by the policy shift, but many around the world have been left outraged and confused as to why Japan is so keen to continue its hunts. Staff writer Sakura Murakami joins Oscar Boyd to discuss.
Japan Times
Jul 8, 2019
Haruno Yoshida, leading businesswoman and adviser to Keidanren, dies at 55
She was a longtime proponent of improving workplace diversity and was featured regularly in international forums as a role model for working women.
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 3, 2019
Abe squares off with opposition leaders ahead of Upper House election
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said during a debate with opposition leaders on Wednesday that he will go ahead with the planned sales tax hike in October but vehemently denied there will be further increases while he remains in power.
Jun 30, 2019
Japan's return to commercial whaling brings criticism from conservationists and praise from industry players
Following its withdrawal from the International Whaling Commission, Japan will resume commercial whaling within the country's exclusive economic zone.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 26, 2019
Women Political Leaders summit opens ahead of G20 as Abe pushes to improve gender parity
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe renewed his commitment to empower women and improve gender parity around the globe at the Women Political Leaders (WPL) Summit 2019 in Tokyo on Wednesday, ahead of the Group of 20 summit due to start Friday in Osaka.
JAPAN / Politics
May 28, 2019
In symbolic first, Abe and Trump jointly address military personnel aboard Japan's Kaga carrier
Peppered with pomp and decorum, Trump's four-day visit to Japan ended with a gesture highlighting the long-standing military ties between the two countries.
May 24, 2019
Meet, greet, but don't talk politics: How foreign dignitaries should act when visiting a Japanese emperor
What should you do when you meet the emperor?
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
May 23, 2019
Double Japanese general election looks more realistic as unpopular tax hike approaches
For the ruling coalition, a snap election would be a major gamble because it would put its current supermajority in both chambers at risk.
JAPAN / Science & Health
May 10, 2019
Japan struggles to ditch 'vaccine backwater' image due to policy gaps
Earlier this year, a quiet outbreak of rubella began to sweep Japan.
JAPAN / Politics
May 3, 2019
On Constitution Day, Abe again vows to revise Japan's top law, aiming for enactment in 2020
The prime minister's lifelong drive to rewrite pacifist Article 9 will hinge on the Upper House election in July, political observers say.
May 1, 2019
In first speech, Japan's new emperor vows to emulate father and fulfill duties as 'symbol of the state'
Delivering his first speech since ascending to the Chrysanthemum Throne, Japan's new emperor vowed to “act according to the Constitution” and fulfill his role as the symbol of the state.
Apr 29, 2019
Emperor Akihito: A unifying figure who carved out a role as Japan's 'symbol of the state'
He and Empress Michiko have spent the last three decades comforting disaster victims and mourning the war dead, Japanese and non-Japanese alike.
JAPAN / Politics
Apr 22, 2019
Cosplaying eccentric Mac Akasaka of the Smile Party snags seat in Tokyo ward assembly
He clambers out from under the table, wearing a pink Hooter's tank top while sporting fluffy angel wings and a halo, before bowing deeply toward the camera and taking a seat.
Japan Times
PODCAST / deep dive
Apr 17, 2019
Episode 12: Out with the old Emperor, in with the new
With Emperor Akihito's son, Crown Prince Naruhito, set to become the country's 126th emperor, Deep Dive asks: What does it mean to be emperor, and what can we expect from the next one?


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties