


Charles Tannock
Japan Times
Oct 9, 2022
Xi Jinping and his radioactive friend from Russia
As Chinese President Xi Jinping prepares for an unprecedented third term, the growing desperation of Russian President Vladimir Putin should serve as a cautionary tale.
Japan Times
Feb 4, 2022
Russia’s likely invasion route
Portraying NATO as an aggressive threat has been useful propaganda for the Kremlin, even if what Russia mostly fears is NATO's defensive capabilities.
Japan Times
Mar 27, 2018
Poisoning demonstrates Brexit's threat to the security of Britain
Brexiteers must realize a 'Britain alone' is a 'Britain vulnerable.'
May 26, 2015
Putting Maldives back on the democratic path
Putting the Maldives back on the path toward democracy requires that the world begin to pay attention.
Feb 11, 2014
Bangladesh at a crossroads
In the course of just a few weeks, Bangladesh's fragile democracy — which had made substantial social and economic progress in recent years — has deteriorated dramatically.
Oct 26, 2010
Dark side of a Western defense of freedom
BRUSSELS — The price of freedom, it is said, is eternal vigilance. But that price can take the form of morally squalid decisions in which innocent people bear the brunt of the cost of freedom's defense.
Sep 23, 2009
Stabilizing Africa's Horn
STRASBOURG, France — After almost two decades as a failed state torn by civil war, perhaps the world should begin to admit that Somalia — as it is currently constructed — is beyond repair.
Jan 15, 2009
Bangladeshi voters say no to Islamist politics
DHAKA — As fears about the Islamization of politics in the Muslim world grow, Bangladesh, with the world's fourth-largest Muslim population (126 million), has moved dramatically in the opposite direction. Bangladesh is usually heard about only when cyclones and tsunami ravage its low coastline, but...
Jul 17, 2008
Anti-Chavez axis emerging in Latin America
BRUSSELS — The rescue of Ingrid Betancourt and 14 other hostages who had been held for years by FARC guerrillas marks more than a turning point in Colombia's long war against its drug-running, Marxist guerrillas. It also confirms the emergence of a new troika of Latin American leaders — Colombia's...
May 20, 2008
Rescuing the revolution from Yushchenko
BRUSSELS — There is no more depressing sight in politics than a leader who, desperate to cling to power, ruins his country in the process. By his recent actions, President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine now looks like he has joined the long list of rulers who have sacrificed their country's future simply...
Feb 23, 2008
Back to the 'great game' in Kazakhstan
BRUSSELS — Those who oppose Western rapprochement with Kazakhstan cite the country's lack of political and human rights. But, while Kazakhstan has not gone down the "color revolution" route to democracy that other post-Soviet republics like Ukraine and Georgia have followed, its timidity about reform...
Sep 24, 2007
Russia and the Kosovo card
TBILISI — Look before you leap is as sound a principle in foreign policy as it is in life. Yet, once again, the Bush administration is preparing to leap into the unknown. Even though lack of foresight is universally viewed as a leading cause of its Iraq debacle, the United States (with British backing...
Oct 5, 2006
Iraq's Christians at risk of annihilation
LONDON -- The world is consumed by fears that Iraq is degenerating into a civil war between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds. But in this looming war of all against all, it is Iraq's small community of Assyrian Christians that is at risk of annihilation.
Jun 29, 2006
Uribe raises hope for Colombia's future
PRAGUE -- A leftwing tide has supposedly been sweeping Latin America. But President Alvaro Uribe's re-election in Colombia may not only have begun the process of reversing that tide; it has perhaps also shown conservative and liberal parties across the continent a way forward -- one that may soon be...


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