


Jane Wardell
Japan Times
Dec 12, 2019
Disasters and downturn challenge New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern going into election year
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern faces tough challenges as she heads into a general election campaign next year, with economic growth slowing, divisive referendums looming and a country reeling from disasters both natural and man-made.
Japan Times
Dec 11, 2015
Magazine claims Australian entrepreneur is man behind bitcoin
Craig Steven Wright, an Australian, is the latest in a line of men alleged to be the mysterious creator of bitcoin, a digital currency that has attracted the interest of banks, speculators, criminals and regulators.
Japan Times
Mar 8, 2015
Abducted by aliens? Stolen by Russians? MH370 theories abound
One year on from the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, an extraordinary amount of key data remains unknown — fueling conspiracy theories and heated online debate about one of aviation's biggest mysteries.
Japan Times
Jan 1, 2015
Crowded skies in Southeast Asia put pressure on pilots, air traffic control
The sheer volume of flights in the skies over Southeast Asia is putting pressure on outdated air traffic control and on pilots to take risky unilateral action in crises such as that possibly faced by AirAsia Flight QZ8501.
WORLD / Science & Health
Oct 18, 2014
Alcoholic-drinks makers adapting to climate change
Wine and beer lovers face an uncertain future. While climate change is a distant consideration for many global businesses, grapes and grains are on the front line.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows