
 Nobuko Tanaka


Nobuko Tanaka
Nobuko Tanaka is a stage writer who has regularly contributed contemporary theater and dance articles to The Japan Times since 2001. She also writes for several Japanese and overseas magazines and web sites. As a promoter, she takes Japanese artists to foreign theater festivals.
Oct 14, 2001
Shaking a spear for the Bard
Mark Rylance, the 41-year-old artistic director of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London, has been in Tokyo with his company's triumphant production of "King Lear," which closes today at the Tokyo Globe.
Oct 10, 2001
You can wonder, but you can't hide
As directed by Barry Kyle and performed by the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Company from London, this "King Lear" is no cobwebbed historical fable. In this, the company's second visit to Japan (the last time was in 1998 with "As you like It"), they bring not only a classic drama but also the democratic...
Sep 12, 2001
Shared cultures take center stage
These days in Japan, it's easy to see Broadway musicals, Russian ballet, foreign rock acts or even Pavarotti waxing operatic.
Aug 22, 2001
Noda's kabuki brings the house down
The lobby of the Kabuki-za in Higashi Ginza -- the mecca of kabuki -- was swarming with people last week, ahead of the start of this year's noryo kabuki (summer festival of kabuki).
Aug 22, 2001
'We all felt this could be a masterpiece'
Midway through the triumphant two-week run of his summer-festival kabuki classic "Togitatsu no Utare," cutting-edge director Hideki Noda took time to reflect on his remarkable crossover from contemporary theater to the Kabuki-za in Ginza (no less).
Jul 25, 2001
All the world's Miyagi's 'logos & pathos' stage
In the world of Japanese contemporary theater, the Ku Na'uka company is famed for its unique "logos & pathos" method, in which each role on stage is performed by one narrator/speaker (in the "logos" role) and one performer/mover (in the "pathos" role).
Jul 4, 2001
Brook's 'Hamlet' speaks straight to the soul
In his book "The Shifting Point," Peter Brook writes that when he begins work on a play, he starts with "a deep, formless hunch which is like a smell, a color, a shadow."
Jun 27, 2001
Noda weaves another fantastical web
Hideki Noda, head of the cutting-edge theater company Noda Map, wrote and directs its latest production, "Nisesaku: Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shita (A Fake: Under the Cherry Trees in Full Bloom)." He also acts, as the King of Hida, often running with all his considerable force along the sakura-draped...


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties